"Just" an LLM
Is ChatGPT really AI? Or is it just a chatbot?
About five years ago, I wrote about how much TV viewing has really changed;
So - 85% of viewing is definitely not watched "as a family", because nearly half is watched alone... but that said, the point here is that I'm not seeing anything here that makes me think that there has been a significant change in viewing behaviour over the last decade. (Interestingly, we watch more TV on our own in the summer months- which is when we tend to watch less TV overall.)
This is a chart of the share of viewing time spent alone - ie. with nobody else in the room, whether or not they are actually "watching" the TV;
Since then - well, things have obviously changed.
Covid and lockdowns had a massive impact on the time people spent at home vs. out of home, with the longer-term legacy of working from home being increasingly 'normalised' (the current trend seems to be a gradual return to the office - but at least day or two WFH seems to be the 'normal' for what was 100% "office-based" work before.
SVOD subscriptions have rocketed; more TV viewing is to stuff that never had a TV broadcast.
Phones have got faster, and we've gone to 5G - making watching video on other devices a virtually frictionless experience.
More people are watching new platforms like TikTok.
AI is about to change the world again - and is already flooding social media feeds with growing volumes of slop.
So, how have those changes manifested themselves? What does an updated version of the chart above look like?
I've coloured 2020 - the obvious 'change point' black to make it clearer where all that dramatic change in behaviour really kicked off.
Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose…
(Footnote 1- this data is about viewing to television sets; whatever it is that is being viewed, based on Barb Audiences' data. I've written extensively before on what I think "television" is, and in my view, its basically "whatever is on the TV". There's a whole other conversation where that might have come from and which "pipe" it went down to get there - but my personal interest and focus is always on the media behaviour rather than the content.)
(Footnote 2 - In case you were wondering why the data only goes up to June, its because I wrote this post in July as a draft, forgot to click 'publish', and just spent ages trying to find the link to a thing I knew I had written but couldn't find. Whoops.)
In the growing buzz around generative AI, a new concept in research methodologies has arisen; "synthetic respondents". Instead of asking people the questions, a Large Language Model creates 'synthetic respondents' which you can ask as many questions as you like. And they will give you answers. And they will probably sound like real people. They will never get bored. They will never try to disguise their "true" thoughts and feelings (as David Ogilvy once said, “People don’t think what they feel, don’t say what they think, and don’t do what they say.”.) You can get answers from thousands of them, very quickly and at very little costs.
(Also - they never leave behind a bad smell, and won't eat all of your biscuits.)
But again - so obvious as to be barely worth mentioning - they aren't real people. They are synthetic - "made up." Just like the 'actors', pretending to be the sort of people we actually want to talk to.
They will do it faster. They will do it cheaper. Will they do it better - or at least, 'good enough'? Well... that's the real question.
(Title based on a Threads post from Daniel Jalkut.
What Is Apple Doing in AI? Summaries, Cloud and On-Device LLMs, OpenAI Deal - Bloomberg
But the company knows consumers will demand such a feature, and so it’s teaming up with OpenAI to add the startup’s technology to iOS 18, the next version of the iPhone’s software. The companies are preparing a major announcement of their partnership at WWDC, with Sam Altman-led OpenAI now racing to ensure it has the capacity to support the influx of users later this year.
Nah- I'm not buying it. For one - OpenAI and Microsoft are "true" partners; Microsoft's Azure compute + OpenAI's models + Microsoft's apps/OS 1 are getting deeply intertwined. An Apple + OpenAI partnership seems like a strategy to be permanently one step behind Microsoft.
But it seems inevitable that there's big Apple + AI news coming. Siri needs a significant upgrade. The new iPad Pro announcement made a big deal about having "AI compute" power2. "AI features" announcements at WWDC 2024 seems like the safest bet in tech.
So, what might be coming?
If I had to make a bet, my money would be on a Google partnership, with something like the Gemma model running locally on iPhone/iPads etc. as 'Siri 2.0' and access to Gemini for the kind of tasks that need access to 'full fat' LLMs and more computing power.
Also- GitHub CoPilot ↩
Yes, iPads/iPhones/Macs have had 'neural cores' for a few years - but the new iPad seems to be stepping this up significantly, but with no news on what its actually going to power. Worth noting - if you're developing AI/ML/LLM-type software on a Mac, you're using the GPU - not NPU chips. So far, they seem to be locked away for Apple's use (which includes Apple's APIs if you're building apps for the app store - but not if you're running something like TensorFlow in Python.) ↩
A rough theory of why voice notes get such wildly different reactions from different people.
The Apple Vision Pro is now on sale. People are getting their hands on them, and sharing their opinions. People who haven't got their hands on them are sharing their opinions. There are a lot of opinions flying around.
First thing - sure, I'm interested in the headset, and the device actually getting in 'normal' people's hands (or on their faces) is this week's news; I'm not going to buy one, because it's ridiculously expensive and if I had that sort of money to throw around, I probably wouldn't be driving a car that's approaching either its 18th birthday or its last trip to the scrapyard and has done the equivalent milage of 5 times around the circumference of the earth.
But what I'm really interested in is the Vision platform; the bits in the software that are going to be the same when the next headset device is launched. And once there are a bunch of different ‘Vision’ devices - where they will fit, in the spaces in people's lives.
The promise of the internet plus the World Wide Web was an open, free network of hyperlinked pages, filled with all of the worlds knowledge. For years, the terms "internet" and "world wide web" were almost interchangeable/synonymous.
30 years on... It has issues.
If VR is going to truly take off, we’re going to need a virtual sofa to sit on.
It's a lot easier to understand the IP issues in 'give me this song but in Taylor Swift's voice' than 'make me a song in the style of the top ten hits of the last decade.' If a human did that, they wouldn't necessarily have to pay anyone, so why would an LLM?
There's an interesting twist with the "Taylor Swift's voice" example; Scooter Braun owns all of Taylor Swift's recordings (at least, I think all the ones released before any ChatGPT-era training dataset were compiled) - he bought the record company, so he owns the master recordings (and all the copies of the master recordings, and the rights relating to them) - but not the songs themselves. Taylor Swift still owns them - which is why she can make her "Taylor's Version" re-recordings (which Scooter Braun doesn't get a penny out of.)
So there's a key difference here; a human would copy the songs (that is, they would be working off the version of the songs that are in their heads - the idea of the songs), so Swift would get paid as the owner of the songs.
But the kind of generative AI we're talking about would be copying 100% from the recordings (ie. the training data would be the sounds, digitised and converted into a stream of numbers) - which Swift doesn't own. The AI doesn't "see" the idea of the songs - it wouldn’t “know” what the lyrics were, what key the songs were in, what chords were being played on what instrument - any more than a Large Language Model “knows” what the words in its (tokenised) training dataset or output mean.
She still owns her songs, but she’s sold her voice.
Fifteen years ago, I wrote a blog post titled “Losing a Virtual Limb”, which was trying to articulate that funny feeling I was getting that buying my first iPhone was going to change everything.
Recently, I got that funny feeling again.
I’ve been using the same iPhone for six years - by far the longest I’ve had the same phone - smashing my previous record.
Its finally time to upgrade.
Charger plug standards are a weird thing to get excited about, but I’m excited about the proliferation of USB-C.
Except for one thing…
Actually, the best programming language of the future is probably going to be English…
WWDC usually isn’t one to look forward to - unless you’re the sort of person who cares about things like Xcode features - because it isn’t the venue where they talk about the new iPhones. Maybe there will be clues about new iPhone features in some new APIs or something, but the focus is generally on developers.
This year is different…
It's been too long (again) since my last "here's some interesting things worming their way around my head" update.
Well, my son is learning to play the guitar - at 13, he's about the age I was when I started learning, but he's been playing for a good few years and it won't be long until he's better than me at 45 (if he isn't already...)
One of the songs he's learning with his guitar teacher at the moment is Smells Like Teen Spirit - which came out in 1991, when I was about the same age that he is now and also learning how to play it on the guitar.
Which got me wondering - if I was playing something when I was 13 that is as old as that song he's playing is now, what would I have been playing? I know that I was playing 'old stuff' at the time - learning a lot of Jimi Hendrix riffs, some Beatles, some Cream etc. After all, the '60s were a hell of a decade for guitar heroes…
Well, I did the maths, and the equivalent for me in 1991 would have to have been a song from 1959. That wasn't just before all the "old" stuff from the (late) 1960s that I would have been playing- that was a time when Jimi Hendrix was still "Jimmy Hendrix" and learning how to play on his first $5 acoustic guitar. Keith Richards was still studying at technical college, and The Beatles hadn't even started playing with Pete Best yet - let alone Ringo. Elvis Presley was in the army, discovering amphetamines and meeting the 14 year old girl who he would marry seven years later. Tamala Motown had only just been formed.
Oddly though, it was also the year that the most valuable Gibson Les Pauls were made - even though it was still years until they would become famous, thanks to the likes of Keith Richards, Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page and Peter Green.
Anyway, now I feel old.
This is the tech war of the moment; a race to be the first to develop an AI/Machine Learning/Deep Learning product that will be a commercial success. Google have a head start - Microsoft+OpenAI look like they could be set to catch up, and maybe even overtake Google. But if this is a race then where is the finish line? What is the ultimate goal? Is it all about the $175 billion Search advertising market - or is it bigger than that?
Nine years ago (Jan 2014), I wrote a post about "the next big thing". I think its fair to say that in a history of technological innovations and revolutions, there isn't really much in the last decade or so that would warrant much more than a footnote; the theme has been 'evolution, not revolution'.
Well, I think the Next Big Thing is - finally - here. And it isn't a thing consumers will go out and buy. Its an abstract, intangible thing; software not hardware, service not product.
For the first time in years, tech has got genuinely interesting again.